Tuesday, November 06, 2007
My Birthday =)
30 oct 2007 Tuesday, i am ald 21!!! man that fast, couldn't believe that i am ald 21 ald haha well ya like what other alway say 21 years old is only the start of the second phase of mr life...... well maybe i should really gave a serious thought of what i wann in life ald hehe.
but still have to thank a lot of my wondeful friends to make my 21st birthday a very sweet and memorable one hehe u guys were really great......
ok i'll try to c if i can remember to put in u guys names ah haha, the list goes.......
Carlton hotel gin gang:
forever crazy esther, forever smiling grace, forever hungry jamine, the hunk in the gang sam, our professial paul, candy provider rachel, my 'Kak kak" siti, clubbing king Raz, CS frek wei wei, the guy next door ming jie, our beloved DJ jia yi, our walking radio Peterson, the sweet love birds, Janet and Jason, my classical play partner, Vicky
well i am sure that's all cos i did record down who came down for the lunch on my birthday alright haha well really thanks a lot for the wonderful lunch that day, at first i only thought esther, grace, jasmine and wei wei is coming only cos u guys told me so and they were also they only few who came mah so i assume that well only u guys came la, only till when we walked into the cafe than suddenly i saw the rest of u guys holding onto a cake and singing happy birthday than i realized that i am tricked!! but i am really willing to be tricked in such way lol hehe i was ald crying b4 iu ppl could finish singing the birthday song haha, i still remember that after they finish singing i don ever borther abt the cake i just went over to them and just hug u all one by one tightly and say thank u to all of u.....
why i crying is because i am over-welched by joy, it have been almost a year plus since i have meet up with u guys, i know to meet up wz u guys was not easy cos u guys were all working shift work mah i know it's pretty impossible to see all of u in one shot, but hei i couldn't believe that u know all of us can really come out today and what touched me most was Peterson, Vicky, Jason and Siti actually just finished their midnight shift!!!!! and esther, grace and siti actually took leave for that day!!!!! ya ppl, other than thank u i really don know what to say ald...... knowing u ppl was the greatest things happened in my 21 years of life and there is nothing more i can ask for ald...... really....... thanks guys!!!!!! i really really LOVE U ALL!!!! =)
Other gang:
eileen, vera, elsie, Linda, nicole, Jun yi, pei zhen, rong shan, aunty zai, aunty rosline, jade, de wei, de yi (FYI de wei and de yi they're twins ah hahah), mei yi,kai xuain, gerrard, kelvin, jena, iris, ivy, nancy, connie, hui wen, indah mummy, janice, kat, lee kiang, fiona, neel, sarah, shi lei, vic, yen li well i think that's abt all too thanks for everything too ppl, well because u guys belong to other cateorgy mah so i really don know how to list u all as mah so hope that u all wouldn't mind hehe
Sentosa Islander:
Amir a.k.a casperico, shi lin a.k.a bun bun, liana, Bas, Julian a.k.a hong kee, anissa a.k.a mocca something latte hahah sorry i really can't remember, halim and samuel who's can't make it down well thanks for the cake eveything u guys have done for me, well blowing a cake in front of Sentosa express, is really "special" ah hahah but thanks!!!!! of course there were also tons of ppl who send a sms or a friendster comment those msg were all still there esp those who sent me the wishes by sms, trust me it all still inside my phone.......... sylia was the first on to send me lei, i recieved her msg like on the 29 oct 2230hrs hahah thanks guys, u guys have really add a lot of colours and wonderful images into my working life in Sentosa.
and just was i thought that my birthday will just end like that(why i say this was not because i not happy with my birthday celebration it was because every one had wished me but not him......... seriouly speaking if he don msg me that night i think his name will be up onto the fucker's list straight away ald haha), he msg me........ than went to his place that night, well i really don know how on earth am i going to write down what happended that night, but it was a really sweet and wonderful night spent with him...... hehe thanks for the night well u know who u are hehe
well that how my 21wt birthday goes, fun, touching, sweet and memorable one to remember for life.............
Bernadette Karen remembered on 00:47.