Tuesday, May 06, 2008
updates again =)
reach home for a while ald,
just came back from singing session wz anissa, da da (anissa's cousin), Q, the 2 firdaus and 2 of their friends at Apollo centre hehe
it was a last min thing la
anissa also just suggest it when we were abt to knock off hahah
don really wann to go back so early, so join them lol hehe
was damn pissed off at wk la,
haiz it's a long story just that sometime ppl can really be double sided eh,
may look friendly when they saw u,
but at the back, stab u so many time like fucking no-body business!!!
fucking hell, i just hate such a fucker la,
anything u not happy wz, tell me face off i still can accept ur opinion,
but instead of telling me/us, u went to tell others instead!! fucking hell la.......
fine, frm now on, i've seen ur true colours ald
go and tell more tales behind our back for all i care, i don give a damn to it ald,
well well, enough of wk hahah
ooh ya, i just got 2 bloody full pack of medicine, and a big glass bottle of liquid form of medicine,
one is for my womb infection one,
one is to control my blood cells one,
womb infection one much take 1 tablet 3 times a day,
blood cell one must take 3 tablets 3 times a day,
and this liquid form of medicine, it's fucking blooly horrile terrible sickening bitter!!!!!
it taste really bitter!!! i think that the most bitter thing that i had ever put into my mouth in my entire life la!!
the doctor say that that bloody medicine is to help me to control well my red blood cells so that they will not over-grown the white blood cells........
and that i had to take them once in the morning, once in night,
and know what i had to take 12 tablets a day, goodness i just realized now i became an expert in popping pills ald la
haiz what to do who call my health seem to be like getting from bad to worse la.......
i did asked my family doctor, other than taking so many pills a day,
any other alternative, he say yes, go for the jab,
at first i really wann to consider taking the jab lei,
but after he told me the jab have to be inject through my back bone everytime,
i gave up the ideal immediatly!!!! v painful eh,
plus when he showed the sized of the needle, it looked like this eh
well i rather popping 12 pills a day than to let that horrible needle go into my back bone
i really just dropped the ideal immediately,
once bitten twice shy, since that time i had my bone marrow drawn @ NUH,
i can still remember the pain till now, hahaha
well well that all for now,
got to get ready for wk hahahahh
Bernadette Karen remembered on 03:34.