Thursday, October 25, 2007
ya just some updates cos i think my last post was on 22 Oct eh hahaha20 Oct:
after S1 rush straight to IMM Long Beach Seafood Restaurant for the dinner, well food there were pretty nice but the waiting time was bloody long man, i reached there abt 8pm and my aunties they all were still waiting outside for seats and we only went in at 9pm cos the restaurant was damn packed with ppl man...... well other than that, i must say i have an very enjoyable evening wz my aunties and my mum and my younger brother, the other was working so can't join the dinner, my dad was driving can't come also as for my grand-parents mah, they say they don wann to come out for dinner, they say waste of money la hahaha well but no worry i will make another day for them one haha hmmmmz i brought a bra from Truimp after the dinner when i'm shopping wz my mum and brother after the dinner, and that bra cost me $85!!!???? can u believe it!!!! well although it fucking expensive la but it's a really nice bra i must say well just take it as a birthday gift for myself lol hahha than went Gaint for a while than head home straight cos i am ald so bloody tired haha
21 Oct ~ 23 Octwell these few days i am working than as usual lol after wk hang out wz the usual gang and i so wann to watch a movie these few days but always can't make it for the 9.45pm slot haiz 24 Octi finally get to watch a movie today!!!!!! i watch "The Last Breath" wz bun bun la, samuel la, amir la, halim la, bas and julian la, so happy that i finally catch a movie after so long!!!! mw and bas rush off the island once we finish our S2 shift just to make sure that we were at GV in time to catch the movie hahah the movie was rather scary man even julian was scared off by the sound effect hahahahha it a Korean horror flim ppl catch it!! it's really nice and have their touching part too....... after that chill at concert hall a while b4 we all went home what i am doing now??? hmmm checking email so trying to play wz blogger cos i don dare to slp scared tml i can't wk later morning shift la hahahahand.... u very busy wz u things outside..... so busy that can't even spare some time for me mah.... haiz well well i also don know what to asked frm u ald.... always looking forward to ur SMS saying wann to meet up?? or things like that but nothing frm u till now lol so what can i expect more frm u than...... and hello my dear my birthday's coming are u aware???? if u wann me to have my birthday wishes now i think one of it will be to spend some quality time with you which i know it pretty hard.... but can u just make it happen once so that i know well birthday wishes did really came true....... well that'll be the best present frm u to me than, if u could do that.... really..... e best present ever.........
Bernadette Karen remembered on 03:07.