Wednesday, July 07, 2010
i don a damn right now alright!
from your country to another and than back to ur country again!
what is hell is this!
goodness i really don know what one earth to do wz u now!
haiz things doesn't look good at home either
had a huge fight wz my parents oh gosh it is a freaking long story
if have to be told!!
seriously thought of moving out and my mum say
" the only time you move out is when u're marry!"
" if u move out now, u wouldn't see your mother when u are back!"
and i was like what the fuck!
forget it really don want to bitch about this here
had been coughing badly for the past few days oh gosh and it really suck!
fuck it la things just wasn't right for me
better hit the bed soon
good night ppl, love u all
Bernadette Karen remembered on 04:18.