Wednesday, October 29, 2008
flying off....
time check,
0200hrs hahaha
well dad is coming and fetch me up at 0300hrs to the airport,
haiz susposed to meet him yesterday night and even the few days ago,
but than out time just don seem to match with each other......
i am sorry darling,
like i say when i come back from Macau alright?
i promise....... =) heheh
alright i got to go and shower first, followed by mask hehe
take care ppl,
don worry i'll be just fine alone and ill be back home in one piece also...
thanks for all e phone calls, Ade is the first one to call me,
she wished me happy birthday and have a safe trip,
hasri called me too well said the same thing hehe
liana, nurul and zilin sms me,
well what ever it is,
thank u very much ppl!!
alright alright really got to go hahah
c ya ppl!!
love u all!
Bernadette Karen remembered on 01:55.