Friday, March 27, 2009
bleeding. bleeding, bleeding
supposed to be working morning shift today,
but haiz my nose bleed again,
it have been bleeding since this morning la,
bit by bit until now....
so can't make it to work today,
tried calling Duty Phone in the morning but for some reason, it was diverted to voice mail,
so i dropped an SMS to Kana to inform him that i wouldn't be coming to work,
well guess Kana did not saw the SMS or what ever,
he thought i AWOL! goodness..... ='(
lucky i called Kana at about 4 plus to tell him about some contractors coming in to do night work later,
than he told me what happen, goodness....
than zilin called me also, she say when she went to the office and when she asked when am i,
everyone of them told her i did not turn up for work, i AWOL!!
anyway seen a doctor just now already thank goodness, this time round no need to take jabs,
just take medicine will do, phew.....
but that it cost me $40/- on consultation and the medicine gosh it freaking expensive can!
this month pay is peanut! because the minus off the advance pay for CNY period,
haiz now i am still thinking of how to split my pay properly,
still have to save aside for Aust. in August and staff like that,
really have to work out my fiances properly what more my this month pay is bloody peanut!
haiz oh well, no choice want to go traveling than have to save up now lol
anyway BBQ tml........
yes finally hahah
hope my nose bleeding will stop by than,
alright folks, got to go now,
time to take medicine.... ='(
PS: Zilin say want go Jurong Point to shop, sorry gal another day can.......
Bernadette Karen remembered on 19:26.