Saturday, January 26, 2008
updates updates
well, just finished wk hahah actually should stand down at 5.45pm ald but there delay here and there so now than done lol hahagoing to halim school event later at one of the club @ clark quay hmmm pretty tired now, really don feel like going but than still go n support him a while ba it still his event mah hahanvm la, i am off tml so ok la, =)wait a min, think i am meeting gerrard tml eh, ooh god can't get my slp back ald than haiz.....boy, can i meet u like another day?? hahahok, i am just kidding la know u will just kill me lol hahahawell i am going to change, and see if my 2 beloved darlings wann to go for dinner than meet the whole gin gang after that =)see ya folks, update again soon have a nice weekend ppl=)
Bernadette Karen remembered on 19:47.