Monday, January 28, 2008
mood swing day
Monday blues...... ya having Monday blues today hahah well think not enough slp ba hahawent to The Arene for halim's school event last Sat hmmm quite fun la, not as bad as i thought la, i also thought that school event will be damn boring la, but not this event eh, it was pretty gd i must say, the live band was EXCELLENT!!!!really, love the way the re-mix some of those songs,they were really wonderful,hmmm well one of them were pretty cute la hahadid talk and dance to him a while after their performances though heheheehwell dance away till 4.30am till they closed,chill outside for a while b4 i share a cab wz stacy to go home,go home, remove make up and hit the bed straight hahahathan over-slept & forget that i am actually meeting Gerrard in town hahameet u also a while only mah, u still hv road show later in the evening mah well darling, know you wouldn't mind one mah right?? hahahaok ok la as promised lunch on me one day ok hehehethan stayed at home the whole day on sun, than dropped by my grandma's place in the evening to give both grandma and grandpa $50/- each cos first time took full time pay frm SENTOSA so just give them something like "pocket money" lol hahawell can see that they were over the moon la hahahhmmm that all for the weekend, nothing much la=)awwwww IOS fire drill coming!!!!
Bernadette Karen remembered on 20:56.