Thursday, May 22, 2008
Saiful is so fucking sickening irritating la!!!first off all he is off today and god know where on earth he popped out from!!Than once he came into the bunkers well as usual he started all his nonsense again ok fine i bear with it cos that always him mah, BUT than here i am trying to get my roster done, there he is playing some fucking heavy metal,some fucking electrical guitar noisy like hell songs!!!na bei, just can't focus la!!fine u wann to be noisy right??here at my side i am playing PCD, and all those clubbing songs all to the max volume!!!!don care if the song was repeated for like how many times, different version mah hahahfucking hell, wann to see who is more noisy right, bring it on!!!fucking hell, really wonder how can such a irritating man exist man!!!!eerhhhhhhh=(
Bernadette Karen remembered on 20:12.

off today, well as usual la slept till abt 4 than wake up hahahahdon know eh the previous nite i hit the bed once i reach home la, supper tired, than slept in all the way till next day 4pm lol hahahmmmm, well did woke up half-way, woke up at 11 to pee,than after than went back to slp again hahahahdidn't went out today eh just stay at home and watch this DVD drama that my mum brought,終極一班, the X-Family hahah at first i thought it was like some junk drama that i always thought Taiwan drama was but i wasn't it pretty funny la hahahand i was like addicted to the drama lol hahahahwell that how off day lol just stay at home and watch drama and TV,know what, my mum actually cooked dinner this evening hahhahacos she very seldom will prepare dinner one eh, she came back from wk, than asked me not working ah?? i say no lol, than she say ok than she say she's cooking dinner tonight!!haha so sweet la hehe, so mummy is alway the best hahawell today no bleeding which is good ba hahaonly thing is i had to hide in the room to take my med. while my mum was preparing dinner and when she was showering just now la, pheww almost get caught by her man heheooh ya this coming sat is ma's birthday, hmmmm i am off!! yes!!well think maybe going out to have dinner together as a whole family bawell we'll see how that day la,gosh got to go to bed now, working pm later c ya, good nite....=)hmmm seen the new abt the China earthquake and The Myanmar Storm - Cyclone Nargis well look very bad, the dead roll just keep increasing la, well when my next pay come in think i will donate some of my pay to those organisation that is rasing funds for these 2 country ba, well i can't do much here in Singapore think all i can do is only give them some money and hope that the little amount of money i gave can help them in some ways or rather.... well to all the victims out there, well hang in there God will bless u all from above and he will give u the strength to overcome these difficut time.....
Bernadette Karen remembered on 02:50.