Saturday, May 01, 2010

things wasn't good...

i can't say and don want to say anything right here but i really hope by Tue

every with be settle.......

haiz, this have been dragging for too long already,

if the issue is not settle.......

i really can't imagine the consequences of everything,

so please Mr. Lim, i really hope by than everything will be settled

and I will be really grateful to you by than,

if not, things will turn really ugly at both of our sides.....

so let hope everything will be settle by Tuesday, shall we? Mr. Lim?

Please i just want things to get on track and i can move on freely

and breathe easily and perhaps live happily......

everything will be fine by Tuesday........
everything will be fine by Tuesday........
everything will be fine by Tuesday........
everything will be fine by Tuesday........
everything will be fine by Tuesday........
everything will be fine by Tuesday........
everything will be fine by Tuesday........
everything will be fine by Tuesday........
everything will be fine by Tuesday........

Bernadette Karen remembered on 05:42.