Thursday, October 18, 2007
wann to slp hahah
eerhhh S1 today..... so bloody tired lol did slept the whole nite hehe haiz these few nights keep having sleepless nite lei..... just can't go to slp, i don know why also..... well lucky tml off, but after have to work 7 days straight cos end of the month i am taking 5 days off mah, might be extending till 6 days but see how first la hahah aww can't wait for my off days man..... kinda tired off working on this island eh, meet up with some of friends at the hotel industry few days and really i really have the urge to hop back to hotel industry as Front Office lol cos when we were talking abt our working life than when they told me some of their interesting event or ppl than came to them i was like :Awww, how i wish i were there man!!! well to be frank i kinda miss working with the whole gang of them at Carlton lol hahah how we "chong" to check/in ans out all the guests in front of us in the fastest time we can during peak season, how we snatch each others rooms during check/in, in the middle of the night where HK don have enough chamber maids to do the bed, we will go up into the room and do up the room ours elf, make the bed ours elf!!!! talk nonsense when we're doing midnight shift, printing all those stupid b/f coupons and Reg-card in the middle of the night, and every night w/o fail a whole branch of Indian stop-over under SQ Canada who keep saying "I am from Canadan" where u're a bloody Indian!!!!! hahah well those days were really fun man............. well although i have to admit working at Carlton i have no life at all la, and the only thing that i can't to leave the island were the people there only, they were really a branch of wonderful people man...... well well enough of these ald la, leave or not leave we'll c how things in the later part lol..... and u've not msg me for don know how many days ald, i ald gave in by messaging u yesterday complaining to u as usual that i am bored but u did not reply me at all what more u wann frm me than my dear boy............ fine maybe like u say u're very busy with your things outside and i'll believe that maybe that's the only way i can make me feel better..........
Bernadette Karen remembered on 12:47.