Monday, September 29, 2008
collecting tickets and confirmation!!
just woke up!
cos just now some one call me in the morning,
i also can't recall who hahah
well thought of going back to slp,
off day eh, don wann to wake up so early mah,
but than can't go back to slp,
so forget it than,
so wake up lol go check emails and staff like that lol,
ooh ya,
i am getting my tickets and hotel confirmation today hahah
will be heading down to Chan Brother later to go and collect them!!
YEAH!!! hahahah
ooh well although from now till the trip is like
one more month to go, eerhhh
but than it's only a month hahaha
maybe by the time you realized it,
it already end of Oct ald hahahah
alright got to go and prepare to go out ald,
c ya
Bernadette Karen remembered on 12:22.