Monday, August 25, 2008
night works
having night works now,
Tech 9 and Tech 11 was doing some touch up to the figurines,
and me since i can't be of any help to them,
i just stay inside the the room and wait for them to finish the works lol,
om the mean time, have to make the 2 men coffee,
cos they'll come up once a while to take a smoke break or drink coffee,
and since i am around, so i'll have to take the "chamber maid" position lol hahahah
but ok la, make coffee only mah, not that bad la hahaha
i am so tired, i wann my off day eerhh
and know what, i am having bloody Mary now,
and it not as painful as the previous month la hahah
i like.....
but the flow was non stop la
even if i am sitting down now,
i can feel it leaking,
what more than standing and walking! hahah
one more day, one more bloody day tml and i am off hahahah
ooh ya pay comes in must book tickets to Macau already,
plan already, this month book flight tickets,
next month book hotel,
Oct's pay's for expense,
than off i go to Macau hahahha
so excited la,
ooh ya, i am going alone heheheh,
well don know la, just wann to go alone oversea hahah
and i also sick and tired of asking ppl to go along with me,
all kinds of resons like too last min la, no money la bah bah bah
so fuck it, hahahah don need to entertain them already
if nothing goes wrong should be flying off on 27-Oct than maybe come back on 1-Nov ba heheh
ya, spending my birthday alone oversea, how cool la hahahah
well well got to rush the 2 men already, promise to get job done at 9pm,
now it 20 plus nine already la,
still not done yet, and Duty Sup is calling and rushing me already la!
got to go, update later if i have the time and mood as usual hahaha
well i plan to ask him to go along with me to Macau, well even if he is not going, i'll still go alone, the trip is still on, by hook or by crock hahahah
c ya
Bernadette Karen remembered on 21:06.