Thursday, March 06, 2008
just got home......
phew..... just reached home, was at NUH for almost the whole day.........
this morning b4 i left my place for wk, aunt Judy called and say that grandma had a heart attack n collapse at the bath-room i was so panic and i woke my mum up immediately my mum also woke up in shock la,
rush to my grandma's place lucky we live nearby.... ambulance were called in and reach a while after me and my mum had reached, my grandma was taken to NUH only my aunt and my grandpa followed the ambulance, my mum and me took a cab down to NUH......
by the time we reach my grandma was ald inside one room with the doctors all inside checking onto her, after ant 20 min the doctor came out and say that my grandma's condition is rather serious, he say that one of the main blood vessel was blocked n thus it caused the heart attack and my grandma was ald unconscious when she was being sent to the hospital the doctor did recommed for an operation but beacuse of my grandma's old age he scare that she might not be able to take this major operation...... he say in front of my aunty, my mum and my grandpa "Be prepare for the worst" i tell u when we heard that mum and aunty were ald crying, for me i was kinda of shocked at first, my whole mind was in a totaly blank than after a while, my tears than begin to rolled down.......... although my grandpa nv say anything but can see that he's very heart-broken, his eyes were red, this is my first time in my 21 yrs of life than i seen grandpa's eyes were red and watery...........
but than the doctor also say we observed first, the most important thing is grandma must regain her conscious first cos, as according to him he say if grandma nv regain consious he scared that not only the blood vessel in her heart is being blocked but also those tiny one near her back of brain is busted or blocked and can either cause grandma to stroke or in the worse suitation to cos her brain dead cos when either one of the vessel is busted or blocked oxygen can't get into the brain....... this is when we were all panicing ald
in the mean time grandma was send into the ICU ward, while the my aunty were seeing to all the docement and grandpa and mum went intot the ward to c grandma, i called Gautha and informed him that i will be taking ungrent leave today and think maybe i was u know mind was all in a messy state i also don know what the hell i told, all i say i "gautha sorry i am taking ungrent leave today, my grandma was in the hospital...." ya and all in a very fast way and know what mum sounds the same when she called her wk place like mother like daughter lol hehe
after making the call, i tell u i am not those holy holy kinda of ppl and u know what, i actually prayed in my heart to God, i told him ya i know my gradma will follow u one day but not now, really not now....... u can't take her away from her us now, pls pls bless her back with her health again pls at least let her regain conscious...... pls my grandma haven't been really enjoy life yet....... and even if u wann to take her away pls take her along wz u w/o any pain............
and of course u know i just keep praying and praying in my heart today, i am really scared of lossing grandma, really.............. than we all went into the ward to see grandma and all of us were hopping that she can just wake up soon......... and thank goodness and thank god, grandma finally regain her conscious at 2pm!!!! we're just so thankful that she woke up!! really, once grandma woke up, i was just like a kid hugging onto her and say "u are finally awake!! u r finally awake!!" i don care any image or what ever fuck ald la i just hug onto hold onto grandma for the whole 5 mins crying like a small baby....... mum, anuty and grandpa was behind smiling in tears too......
doctor came in and do a check again and like he say as long as grandma regain her consicous things are not that bad, cos they know that her brain are working. The doctor was saying wanting grandma to go for the operation but scare she can't take it because of her old age, but than he suggested to try out medicine first and see if that help, if medicine don help than really have to go for the operation in the end we all decided to try the medicine first cos we really can't bear to see grandma go through an painful operation again........ so doctor let grandma took the medicine in the later part, well think it beacause of the medicine ba, when we asked grandma how she feel she said her chest don feel that pain anymore, not that stuffy and doctor checked on her and say grandma was responding well to the medicine.....
upon hearing that, all of us were relieve for that moment =) but than to play safe, doctor say he have to send grandma to go for an EER scan {ai ya forget what scan ald la!} tml just to make sure grandma body was really reponding well to the medicine and if the scan goes well they'll transfer her to the normal ward to put her under observation first b4 they discharge her =)
we were all relieved when the doctor told us that, esp grandpa, he was smiling again..... cos today for the whole day grandpa nv say anything he just so quiet....... i had seen grandpa just looking so lost loss staring at blank space a couple of time ald.....
i am really so thankful that grandma was still with us, really very thankful, since birth i was always been take care of my grandparents (my mum's parents) cos my parents were both still working than, i think ever since i turned one month old my mum ald brought me to my grandparent's place, so i was pretty close to them since i was young. i still remember how they used to feed me when i am just a little kid, and grandpa will always bring me to the playground near their old place when i was young also
grandma and grandpa dote on me most out of the 3 of us (me and my 2 brothers) maybe is because they took care of me till i'm abt 6 yrs old and maybe also i am the only girl heheh and i was very close to them too, i still remember during my sec sch day i will alway go to their place after sch after day and it than have become a habit ald, all the way till when i start school at SHATEC cos there just so many of school works la, project la, presentation la to rush out and therefore i can only go to their place only on weekend, than once i started working at hotel or start my hotel's training worse think only once a month and that's the same thing even up till now also........ feel very bad la....... i promise i'll spend more time wz them in furture cos u can have many many friends outside, but u have ONLY ONE grandma and ONE grandpa so must really cherish them.......
well i super tired ald........ tml have to go to hospital again to acc grandma lucky i am off tml, mum ald hit the bed the moment she reach home, well she is also very tired ald la rushing her and there......
grandma, hang in there u r doing a gd job.....
I LOVE U GRANDMA!!!!!!!!!!
Bernadette Karen remembered on 01:07.