Tuesday, August 30, 2011
gosh! last updated was June 30!! HAHAHHAHA
ya really long huh hahaha
don ask me what's been going on for the past 4 months plus bcos i myself don remember too! LOL
ya am with a new company now Ravelusion Pte Ltd as a Business Development
well was not what within my line of industry but have been working with them for almost 2 months and i am pretty much loving it! hahah
it's a small company with only 3 of us in the office did i mention plus my boss there is only 3 of us? haha so it pretty nice and cosy of course with NO office politics AT ALL!!
that why i took up their offer straight when they offer me the offer! hahaha
just meet Farah for dinner after so long,
had a really good time & endless laugher too!
be strong gal, we'll walk through the real soon!
i've told u need some one to talk too or need a gd laughter i just a call away! haha
snd let'd go to greece!!!! hahaha finally found someone who appreciate my style of travelling! hahah
heading to bed ald, got to wk tml eerrhh
gd nite world, will try to update often!!!!
Bernadette Karen remembered on 17:34.