Wednesday, May 04, 2011

I have this weird dream 2 nights ago hahah and it is REAL lol
I actually dreamed that i am getting marry! In a church!! haha
Alright here how the dreams goes, will try to recall what i remember haha
I am in a nice church, not too big with many stairs.....
There wasn't a lot of guest though and i can't seems to see any of my family members!
All the bride's maid were in red, they looked really beautiful and i know all of them!
I was going around receiving blessing from the guests and so on....
hmmmmm after that i was walking down the stairs with my "husband" in the dream hahah with my bride's maid......
know what the best part? My "husband" was actually a Caucasian! hahaha
ya that about it lol
hahah interesting dream though lol
yup that all for now let see what weird i will have later than!
Bernadette Karen remembered on 05:44.