Monday, April 07, 2008
gosh, my last update was actually on March 25!!??hahaah nvm, just some brief update, trust me i ald trying to recall on what event that happend haha07-April-2008damn having this very painful feeling on my stomach...... really v painful ='(i also don know y, since morning lol, sit also painful, stand also painful, ai ya do what ever also pain la, some one pls help me..... raining very heavily today la, plus some many lighting goodness so scary la, sky tower was stuck and mud(hasri) had his first vigirin stuck hahahaah my side also every where power trip but ok la after some time all back to normal ald =) but now i am supper tired lol, really very tiring.....02-April-2008went clubbing @ St James with the SOS crews, haha pretty fun but i hate it when they only played half of the song... errrhhhhh so sickering la hahaha but other than that it was fun la hahah PS: I am working morning shift the next day.....28-March-2008Last friday of the month well as usual, staff meeting, everything was doing fine until Anwar told us that he will be leaving us....... his last day will be 16-April-08, most of us maybe the gals started crying la, Liana and Nurul started off first, that myself also don know what wrong wz my eyes, the tears start rolling down too, than zilin, joanne, kas, and a couple of them also start crying ald, even Adam la, his eyes was teary so sad la, if Anwar is leaving us than who's going to fight for our right?? think we'll be really very helpless without him aroud lol....... haiz.... after SM, actual plans was to go for super but that all don seem to habe the mood to go ald, but in the end still went la haha but can see all was kinda of down, very seldom the whole gang of us were so quiet on the bus......30-March-2008
he actually msg me??!! ya can u believe it?? hahah than the rest were like saying well he only will msg me when he feel like it, quite true ah other than that since where he will msg me one haiz and because of him, i felt like a fool 2day, one big time fool fuck la don wann to go on saying ald cos there's nothing much to say either and it will only make my blood boil whenever i thought of it.....
Bernadette Karen remembered on 20:16.