Tuesday, March 16, 2010
eerhh things wasn't going my way lately,
a lot of things happened just within a week!
gosh, so many nasty things just happened that i couldn't even breathe sometimes.....
just went to the hospital last week and my white blood cells is getting real low,
according to doctor he say now is the dangerous period and if gets lower and lower
now i have to make sure that i can't even cut myself.... goodness
i might have to stay in at the hospital for observations....
had done a lots of test last week, it was damn tiring.....
and damn expensive too la damn thos silly hospital bills and expensee la
haiz...... that only one thing the rest i wouldn't post here
well i ethics to uphold but what ever it is,
it all nasty things tat not worth mentioning!
seriously right now all i have in mind now was to make more money or have more money!
it really sucks.....
have to forgo Gold Coast..... =( and i feel so guilty towards Haz and Raudha.... ='(
i am really sorry gals....... other than that i really don know what to say to you gals........
i hate my current state i HATE IT HATE IT HATE IT HATE IT!!!!!
really need the strenght to help me pull through all those nonsense........
i really really needs it...........
2010 dosen't seems to be working right since Jan!!! goodness~~~
Bernadette Karen remembered on 08:40.