Friday, September 26, 2008
it confirmed!!!
yeah! yeah!
it confirmed!!
i just called Chan Brother this afternoon to enquiry about the price for the trip,
at first the quote me $674/- for flight and hotel,
but than the hotel they quote to me was East Asia Hotel,
at first i thought that was a usual/normal hotel
but when i go online and check onto the hotel,
it don look trustable eh hahaha well it does don look trustable to me hehe,
so to play safe i called back and ask them to change another hotel,
so they changed to Guia Hotel instead but than the price is higher though,
because of the hotel i guess......
they quote me $738/- ya it slightly higher but than FIT booking is like that one mah,
but than when i check the rate separately online,
it's more or less the same
so they have book the hotel room for me already and
all i need to do is to go down on Monday to make payment for the whole thing
as for flight, i actually want Jet Star but than Jet Star depart from S'pore
at 1400hrs and i'll reach Macau at 1740hrs!!
ya, so half of the day will be gone already lol,
haiz, so no choice have to take Tiger Airways,
cos they have early morning flight at 0605hrs in the morning and i'll reach Macau like 0920hrs.....
ooh well in order not to waste the day away so i decided to take Tiger Airways,
i have checked with Syila and she say it so so eh
but she say it just a flight there,
don really matters la,
ya quite true la, get a cheap flight and can spend more over there hahahah
that it, confirmed, sett ed!! hahaha
finally after so long,
Macau here i come!!!!
Bernadette Karen remembered on 21:05.

=) & =(
=( 1off today,
but than supposed to go back for clap and cheer thingy,
but who know,
that sickening nose of my is giving me problems again!!
ya, it bleed again!!!
eerhhh i kind of get irradiated with my nose bleeding by now,
it not that i did not take my medication on time or what,
i DID take my medication on time eh,
what ever the doctor had asked me to do or not to do,
i have done it,
all of them,
BUT than the sickening bleeding just wouldn't stop!!
why??!!! eerhhhhh
fuck it!
i also don know what to do already so screw it man!
=( 2a couple of things happened at work recently,
haiz well like what i expected the outcome after the talk and staff like that,
it's all within the expectation haiz ya sad to say,
but than the outcome was pretty much to what i expected
like i say if anyone wann to label me as a "fucker", "bitch" "back stabber"
go ahead by all means, cos i know what i am doing,
and i know for sure the bond that we used to have wouldn't be there anyone,
when there is a crack onto something,
be it friendship or relationship the crack will always be there
and i know the crack wouldn't be a minor one, ever since that topic is been brought up,
and so much so as i try not to bring it up when ever i could,
but than it still arisen up in the end and therefore i don have a choice but to
what you people call it back stab it? bitch about it?
any ways that you people want to put it la,
putting down a person moral and
putting down a person moral to work,
is the last thing that i had i mind back than,
now i finally understand why Kana asked me
to keep myself a certain distance away or don get very close with the crew is possible,
although i know i'll alway entertain him and say
"ya kana, noted, no worry!" and staff like that
but i know my action wasn't really following my words..........
i finally understand why kana ask me to do that,
cos i think he'll foresee such situation like this........
and how difficult it'll for me to break such things to them,
but can i be like how kana is? i don know, maybe i should really try haha
i admit i might not be the best IC that you guys had ever,
compare to Rahidah i know i'm not even one tenth of her everything,
but than i am really trying my best in what ever i can to accommodate to you guys,
what ever i can, i swear i really tired my best already.......
but that the result just don seem to be like what i expected or wann it to be like
i been through hell out of everything when i was first transfered there,
although anissa was there with me,
but i did not approach her, because i know she herself is still trying to adapt too,
all kind of faces that the crew were showing me when they saw me there on the first day,
those kinds of remarks made, intentionally or unintentionally
and one fucking phone call that i answer from bird cage on my
second day that almost make me burst out in tears,
after what the caller say to me after i say my normal greetings,
night works!! i really hate night works when i first came,
i hate it!! really!! and a lot of time i'm always thinking to myself,
why am i always the one doing pm when ever there's night works?!
i had to make my way through in dark to go and lock those fucking doors ALONE and make sure everything is up and running.
and thanks to all those past "trainings" that i am able to stay back for night works alone and was like almost numb to going in the dark to lock those door by now,
i don know if by coming this far is my achievements or what ever you wann to call it,
all i know is i am really trying my best to the IC that the crew had in mind,
but guess i was just to naive to think that it's a easy thing to do,
all i know it, i had tried my best, i swear.........
what ever it is, i had a clear conscience,
what ever i done on the past or even now, i did not
went against my conscience, as long as i can answer to myself at the end of the day,
that's it, i don need to answer to any one else out there, don need......
all i really hope things will get better after 2nd week of October onwards,
when everything and everyone starts everything afresh,
hope what ever the sups have in mind will carry out as per usual,
what ever it is, what happened had happened,
there's no turning back, just look forward and get things moving.............
if i ever did anything wrong, i will apologize,
but if i didn't.... screw the apologize!!!!
=) was on msn wz jacab this afternoon,
haha that guy ah,
hmmm how to phrase it........
alright let put this this way,
he make me smile at the end of the chat cos
hmmmmmmm (still thinking of how to phrase it)
ok fine, don know how to phrase it la,
he's just cute la haha
well as long as i know what's going on will do hahaha
darling, i never ask/demand you to explain things to me ah,
all i did was "ooh..." to myself when i saw the pix hahah
alright ppl got to get my ass to the bed already,
later on morning shift eerhhh
and pay is coming in tonight,
got to buy air ticket to Macau on 28 or 29 this month hehehe
so excited,
Macau here i come!!
Bernadette Karen remembered on 01:55.