Friday, May 09, 2008
bored bored!!!!!!!

ya ya having sleepless night again haiz............

don know y lei than later morning shift again eh ='(

well well don care la, since can't sllp ald, must as well come and update blog la,

play games la etc etc hahaha

alright here i goes:

08 May, Wednesday

was off today, actual plan was to go Batam with Batam with zilin for shopping or maybe spa one,

BUT anthonny don allow her to go,

reason being, it dangerous for the 2 of us to alone, ooh well than nv went lol haha

so in e end, we went to mummy place instead to c her as well as the loveable daniq!!

mummy show us a pix of him when he was smiling with his eyes open,

it sooooooooo cute hahahah

her mum cooked some food for us, so sweet la, thanks anuty!

than chilled at her place till like almost 11pm than we left,

think zilin and ant went back home ba(well i think so hahah)

well i make my way down to tanjong pager something like that la,

i also don really know how to spell hahahaha

to meet my hotel gang for a drink and catch-up session hehe,

went to a pub called "HomeS", very cosy pub i must say,

the music there weren't those 'noisy' music hmmmm ya like what amir and halim like to listen one hahah

it more soothing music and very releaxing la heheh

cos the whole gang was a rgular there and they ald had a bottle of un-finished Wiskley there,

so once we reached there, they just opened up their half or maybe more than half finsied bottle of Wiskley lol,

mixer as usual la, coke, green tea and lemon juice lol,

than releax there and chill and talk cock lol hahah

oooh ya Alez came with us too!! well it spelt his name correctly alright his name is really spelt like that lol, ALEZ haha

anyway he's e only guy among the whole gang that i am very very close with when i am working at Carlton Hotel,

cos he was my trainer when i first joined the hotel mah that explain y,

anyway that's not the main issuse!! haha

the main issue is well i don know weather is because i too long nv saw him or what ba,

when i meet him that night, he was so charming la!!! hahahaha

cause i meet esther first mah, than we waited for the rest at the entrance of the pub

and when they came, and when i saw Alez i was like wow....... hahaha

he's really very charming la, the way he carry himself and the way he talk really, awwww hahha

at first still don know what topic to talk to mah,

but after a while and a couple of drinks, than better ald

than we just talked everything just the sun (or maybe everything under the moon & stars) haha

well ya, i think we were only talking between the both us that night ba hahah

than get to know that he was prmoted to FOM now (Front Office Manager)

{hmmmm, not bad ah} that what i am thinking to myself at that point of time la hahah

well exchange our number to keep in contract mah haha

stayed till abt 3.30 till the pub closing that we decided to go back ald lol,

i was ald planning to take a cab ald, cos all of them don leave nearby me mah,

so they can't send me home either,

BUT know what, he say he can send me home!!!! hahahah

{yes, got it} haha another OS that i am saying to myself than haha

so he send me home, the rest took Raymond and esther car home lol,

hmmm don really talk much during the whole journey until when i am like almost home,

than he asked me if i'm, working the next day, than i repiled him no i am off,

and he say he's off too, he asked if i wann to go out wz him tml anot,

i told, can ah but have to depends on what time i woke up hahah

than he alright that he'll msg me tml when he wk up and see how lol,

i reach home at abt 4.15am, awww he gave me a hug b4 he goes heheeh

reach home, shower slp, and that poor guy think he'll reach home like 5am?

cos he's staying at woodlands mah hehe

09 May, Thursday

woke up abt 3 plus, true enough he really msg me eh,

cos i thought he was only joking ytdy or maybe he had too much drink,

that y i nv really took his words to heart too also haha

anway we still meet up in the end, he came to fetch me up below my blk at abt

5 plus 6, actual plans was to catch a movie, went to Jurong Point but no movies that we were both interested in,

so as he suggest we went to Causeway Point, and same thing

it either full house ald or the next show time is like 3 hrs later,

than he suggest why don we buy food and go and cook and his place instead??

well it sound fine too cos at the time (7 plus) Causeway Point was like packed with ppl la,

so we went to the supper-market there and buy some staffs and head to his place to cook dinner,

we brought pastra, french fries and some tits-bits cos only 2 of us mah,

actually he was the one doing the cooking la,

as for me, i think i am only disturbing him in the kitchen only la hahaha

hei did help in e cooking k, at least i fried the french fries haha

and dinner was ready within an hour!! fast ah, so we had our dinner as we watched "The Showdown" on channel 5, pretty fun show i must say.

ooh ya our dinner is creammy chicken pastra and french fries, hehe

he can really cook man, the pastra was so yummy la hahah

so stayed at his place watching DVD la, and looking at those old pix that we told during those days at Carlton and hmmmm........

than he send me home at abt 11 plus i reach home at abt 113o today.

had a nice time today, well that what's happening for the past 2 day.

awww have to wk later, think off for 2 days now lazy to go back to wk ald eh =(

Bernadette Karen remembered on 04:01.