Monday, September 15, 2008
family dinner turn out to be funeral......

today or rather yesterday was Mid-Autumn festival,

and by right every year my mum will either book a place at a restaurant for dinner

or went over to my grandma's place and have dinner,

it's like kinda of traditional already

yesterday by right we should have a nice wonderful dinner at my grandma's place,

i have already plan to rush down after my shift ends,

but than we did not manage to have the dinner,

and i really don think the following years we'll be having either

my youngest aunt (she wasn't my grandparent real daughter,she was adopted by my grandpa when she's 5) pass away yesterday's morning at SGH,

in her sleep,

she just go and left us like that,

so silently........

doctor told us her immune system just shut off like that,

and oxygen also just stopped flowing to her brain for 3 mins,

and that's why she just go like this........

so suddenly and so silently...............

she was only hospitalised for slight high fever 4 days ago,

and by right she was supposed to discharge yesterday.........

when grandma call mum this morning and told her that aunt had left us,

mum almost faint when she hang up the phone,

and i believe grandma was also crying quite terribly on the other line....

took a cab and rush down to SGH and i call Gautha that i am taking UL when i was on e cab

once reach SGH, doctors was already there inside my ward room to do a final check before they really pronounce her dead

and when Dr. Wee did the final and cruel confirmation to us,

my 2 poor grandparent burst out crying,

mum was crying too when she try to console them,

me? i though i am ok, only when i walk into aunt ward,

seeing her lying so motionless on her bed,

and i call her like how i normally does hopping her to respond to me,

did she didn't.......

and i just stood there crying while seeing her body

than my dad walk into the ward, console me

and ask me to help him make the funeral arrangements,

mum, grandma and my grand dad well think they still can't accept the fact that aunt is gone,

mum was all the while beside grandma cos she's afraid that she get to emotional causing her to heart attack,

grandpa was just inside the ward, talking to her until the nurse came to push aunt to the mortuary till the undertaker had arrive

he keep talking to her staff like, how could you left us like that, why, and he told aunt to be afraid he'll be here with her all this while,

my heart really sank when i saw what grandpa was doing,

the images was still in my mind now.....

undertaker came at abt 10 plus and we went straight to Singapore Casket funeral parlours,

than from there the undertaker will assist us in all the funeral arrangements

by 1pm, aunt was already resting in the coffin with her make up on,

we had a short funeral service at the parlours,

before we sent aunt off to Mandai crematorium for cremation.......

both grandparent and mum did not follow us,

only me, my 2 bro and dad sent aunt off for her last journey.......

it's pretty pathetic i know but grandma and grandpa don wann to make a big fuss over the funeral,

they say they wann a simple one, so therefore we just go according to their wish than,

4.30 was the cremation and we have to collect her ashes tomorrow morning and place it at a temple,

had a long day today, was rushing every where, from hospital to grandma's place, to funeral parlours, to Mandai than to grandma's place again

cried a lot today, mum too, grandma too i think everyone too,

i really don know how to console mum or grandma, i really don

mum was finally asleep after a long day today.......

because i told mum juts now,

just take it as aunt have went travelling,

and she will meet you and us one day one a destination where there no pain and sorrow,

and there we'll really had each other company forever......

think that make her feel better and she smile but there's still tears in her eyes

ooh well cos that what i have been telling myself when ever i attend a funeral,

maybe to make myself feel better ba.....

cos i really believe i will meet those who pass on before me in a destination in the end.........

so ppl, if i happened to pass on before you,

don worry, we'll still meet up at the end of the day..........

rest in peace aunt...

i can't slp eh.......

i very very tired, but the eyes just can't close...........

Bernadette Karen remembered on 01:02.