Monday, December 03, 2007
Can't wait for my 7 days of leave.....
been rather busy for the past wk, hmmm work wise la and also busy with clubbing and chilling out session with my hotel gang hahajust had a chilling out session with my hotel gang @ Cafe Del-ma on 30 Nov, follow by dance practice wz the islander next was clubbing with shilea and farah and her sweet boyfriend at st james hahaha well actual plan was to go home one but on second thought thinking that farah is coming along and it have been ages since i last saw her so in the end also went clubbing wz the girls FOLKS: Listen, don ever go St. James on a friday night it's sucks to the MAX!!!! it was playing trans and the whole club were filled wz all uncles lol!!! ya u heard me right all uncles or middle age men, no cute/hot guys lol...... gosh, both me and farah almost faint on the spot ah!!! hahahabut don know why lei, that night all of us get supper high haha n we didn't drank much ya not a lot mah hehe but after the we finish dancing our head were all so bloody heavy and spinning like no body business hahathat i also don know what got into me to go and msg him i also can't really remember what the hell i msg him la must be some crazy or silly msg when i'm a bit tipsy ba haha by anyway i spent that night over @ his place hehe =) well as usual, my mum will call me up the next morning to screwed me up on the phone for not going back home last night again haha well after a while she is ok ald la well that just my mum =)Ms. Farah, i wann our clubbing pix alright haha
Bernadette Karen remembered on 16:50.