Wednesday, October 15, 2008
can't sleep again....
can't sleep again.......
been tossing and turning on the bed for a while,
just can't make my bloody eyes shut and sleep,
i also don know why,
the moment i close my eyes,
it seems like there a lot things coming to my mind,
be it work, what to follow up tomorrow,
the manpower for tomorrow,
even my nose bleed came to me, mind you,
than thought of Ruben also,
not that i miss him or what ever,
it just so randomly came into my mind,
hmmm i don know how to phrase it,
just a lot of things just suddenly came to my mind,
the moment i shut my eyes!!!
i hate it!!!
it've been going on for a few days already eh,
damn and later still on morning shift some more!!!
haiz, esther say i might be to stress up,
that why i can't fall asleep,
hmmm well maybe,
but come to think of it, there nothing right now that i'm stress about eh!!!
fuck it la, whatever it is,
i can't wait for 29 to come,
maybe i really need some time to relax,
some time alone........
i am seriously counting down.......
and i am kinda of getting sick and tired of going to work,
and that's surely is not a good sign!!
Bernadette Karen remembered on 04:56.